
Gentle exercises you can do at home

6th May 2022

With most of us working from home, for most people, daily movement has dramatically decreased. While we might usually walk to catch the bus or even cycle to work, now our journey might only require us to walk down a flight of stairs or even just walk into the next room. Here are 13 exercises for you to try at home, office or on the move that you can do ay home.

Our exercises help you incorporate a little bit of movement into your day without needing to change into gym gear (or even leave your desk).

1. Tricep dips

For this you will need a chair (ideally one without wheels so it doesn’t slip away). 

Sit on your chair and slowly push yourself forward until you are holding up your bodyweight with your hands and the rest of your body is off the chair. Your hand should be facing forward. Start with straight arms (although make sure not to hyperextend them, there should be a slight bend) and then slowly bend down as far as you feel comfortable, then push yourself up again. Repeat 20 times.

2. Chair push ups

For this you will need a chair (ideally one without wheels so it doesn’t slip away).

Stand facing the chair. Take a few steps back then lower onto your knees. Place your hands onto the chair and lift your feet. Start with straight arms and slowly lower yourself down until there is a 90 degree bend in your arms. Push back up. Repeat this 20 times.

3. Chair Squat

For this you can use a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Stand up straight with your feet hip width apart and your feet facing forward. Take your arms forward and start lowering your bottom down until you touch the chair (if you are using a chair) or until there is a 90 degree angle in your legs. Straighten the legs again. Repeat 20 times.

4. Lunge

No equipment needed.

Stand up straight and step one leg in front of the other. Slowly lower your body down until your back knee is just about to touch the ground then push back up. Do this 10 times on one side, then switch legs and repeat.

5. Leg raises

For this you will need a chair.

Sit on your chair with a straight back. Hold onto the chair with your hands and slowly lift up both legs (if this is too hard just lift up one leg at a time). Slowly lower your legs back down. Repeat 20 times (or 10 times on each leg).

6. Tricep stretch

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Sit up on your chair (or stand up) and raise both of your arms above your head. Bend one arm down until your hand touches the top of your back. Place your other hand on top of your elbow which should now be raised in the air. Hold for five breaths, then repeat on the other side.

7. Neck stretch

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Relax and lean your head forwards so that your chin nearly touches your chest. Hold for a few breaths then lift your head until your gaze is up toward the ceiling. Hold for a three breaths then move your head down again. Repeat this 4 times.

8. Shoulder stretch

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Reach your hands above your head and interlace your fingers. Turn your hands so that your palms face towards the ceiling and stretch your arms upwards. For more of a stretch you can also lean slightly to the side to get a nice stretch in your sides.

9. Shoulder rolls

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Stand or sit up straight. Lift your shoulders towards your ears and hold for one breath. Release them back down and repeat. Repeat 20 times in total.

10. Chest stretch

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Stand or sit up straight. Reach your arms behind your back and interlace your fingers. Turn your palms so they are facing downwards and stretch your arms. Hold for a few breaths then release.

11. Bent knee stretch

For this you will need a chair.

Sit up straight with both feet flat on the ground. Raise your left leg and grasp it with your hands. Pull it towards your chest and hold for a five breaths. Then repeat on the other side.

12. Torso twist

For this you will need a chair.

Place your feet on the floor and sit up straight. Take your left hand and place it on the outside of the right thigh. Reach your right hand on the back of your chair and turn your gaze towards the back. Use your hands to lightly push yourself deeper into the stretch. Hold for a five breaths then repeat on the other side.

13. Eagle arms

For this you can sit on a chair or simply do this stood next to your table.

Sit or stand up straight. Reach your arms forwards, then bend them upwards in a 90-degree angle. Cross your arms so that the left arm is under the right. Wrap your left arm around the right until you can grasp the palm of your right hand with your left fingers. In this position slowly lift both arms up, hold for a breath and then lower down. Repeat this movement 10 times then switch arms.